

Art and Environment

Bless your fellow parishioners by helping decorate the church for liturgical seasons throughout the year.

Contact decorate@stjameswv.org or call (304) 725-5558.

Collection Counters

This group of men and women meets on a rotating basis to count the weekly offertory. Members will work in two teams of two parishioners. Each team consists of an “A” member who inputs data into the computer and runs reports and a “B” member who organizes the monies and verifies the reports. Members count and record all regular and special collections, enter data in ParishSoft software, extract data into spreadsheets for verification and record-keeping, and prepare bank deposits.

Work is done in a small, locked room. Must be able to feel comfortable working in such conditions and willing to forego perfumes/colognes, etc. since some may have allergies.

Contact Karla Gainey at crbusmgr@stjameswv.org or call (304) 725-5558.

Landscaping Committee

St, James Catholic Church is situated on an expansive 21+ acre site with a gorgeous view of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Maintaining our parish’s grounds, which includes approximately 14 acres at our new Church facility, as well as the grounds of St. Peters Catholic Church in Harpers Ferry and the property located on South George Street in Charles Town, is a large undertaking. This committee serves by performing various maintenance and improvement tasks at our various properties – cutting and trimming the lawn, weeding and planting flower beds, and maintaining shrubbery, trees, etc. This committee also assists by providing landscaping expertise and contractual oversight for various commercial contracts.

Members include men, women, and youth or assist in planning, organizing, and carrying out grounds maintenance and improvements at our various parish properties.

Contact Carol Dindinger at landscaping@stjameswv.org or call (304) 725-5558.

Library Committee

The Library Committee provides ongoing oversight and maintenance of our parish lending library. Members catalog books, maintain a computerized system of resources, assist parishioners in information searches, process books, and audio-visual materials, record materials checked out and returned, and keep bookshelves in order.

Contact Marie Nuar at library@stjameswv.org or call (304) 725-6619.

Maintenance Committee

Our parish (composed of a new 53,000 square foot Church facility, the 6,000 square foot St. Michael Hall, and four additional properties) cannot function with only a single property caretaker. This committee serves to assist and supplement that caretaker in maintaining our various properties by providing technical expertise, contractual oversight, and completing hands-on repair and maintenance tasks.

Skilled tradesmen and women plan, organize, and execute efforts for maintenance and repairs of our various parish properties.

Contact Deacon Dave Galvin at maintenance@stjameswv.org or call (304) 725-5558.

Office Assistants

Office Assistants bring vital support and talent to the parish by independently handling routine office activities. This allows the parish staff to perform other needed tasks. Members should present a friendly and welcoming presence in the reception area of our parish office. Also, a willingness to answer telephones, send emails, field questions, and work on various projects as needed by the staff.

Contact Leader: Chris Pifer at OfficeAssistants@stjameswv.org or call (304) 725-5558.

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