Welcome to St. James

Welcome to St. James

Dear Fellow Parishioners and Friends,

Our world is a most complex and, some say, secular world. The world is filled with all kinds of things that affect us. How they affect us, how they affect our families, our co-workers, our health, our jobs, our… (and you fill in the blank) is up to you and me. We are responsible for what is around us, for what goes on in our lives, within our families, etc.

Part of our common responsibility is to reflect upon our Catholic Christian Faith. We need to take time to reflect on the presence of God in our lives. After all, God has given us EVERYTHING that we have. It is His, not ours; we get to use it while here on earth. We have a responsibility to build for the future and grow in our understanding of God’s presence among us. It is not someone else’s job; it is our common job to build up our Catholic Christian Faith.

Now how do we do that? One way is religious education. Our Catholic Christian Faith learning curve does NOT stop with Confirmation. Instead it continues to grow throughout our lives. Our Catholic Christian Faith invites us to consider prayer time as a time to get away and reflect on the day’s events. Many of you may have experienced a time in which things just did not go right all day. We get home to our private time with the Lord, and all of a sudden we see things in a different light. Prayer works miracles, as we all know. Many times the miracle happens in ways that we have never thought of, which is powerful, isn’t it?

On this web site, we present for your consideration a special section for our Spanish-speaking parishioners. Everyone, regardless of his or her first language, is an important part of our Parish Community. We are all lucky to be together. Hopefully, by doing many things together, we can come to know one another better and share our common great gift of Faith. Most importantly, we can learn from one another. We continue on life’s great journey with one another and with Jesus.

Prayer and living our Catholic Christian Faith continue to lead us to Catholic Christian Action. We invite you to consider what you have to offer. Each of us has our own unique gifts. We invite you to find a way to use your gifts and get involved. Our Catholic Christian Faith is not static but is dynamic and challenges us to put it into action.

We look forward to seeing you live your Catholic Christian Faith here at St. James among us all!

Father Grassi, Father Shinu, Father Manny, Deacon Dave, Deacon Marcus, Deacon Bryce, and Deacon Bill

Bulletin Announcements

Bulletin announcements must be submitted by 12:00 noon on the Wednesday 10 days prior to the desired publication date. Please submit your announcements to bulletins@stjameswv.org.

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