Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Guild

The Altar Society assists with the care and maintenance of the church interior, vestments, and altar cloths. Members will launder, mend, or sew altar cloths, linens, and altar server vestments. Assist in the periodic care and maintenance of the Church.

Contact Gary Penkala at or call (304) 725-5558.

Altar Servers

This sacred ministry, open to boys and girls who have made their First Communion, goes back hundreds of years and is one of the most time-honored traditions of our faith.

Altar Servers assist the Priest Celebrant and the Deacon at Mass.

To participate in this ministry, the youth should have a love of God and a willingness to assist the parish community in worship. The need for supportive parents is also important to ensure punctuality.

Contact Deacon James Munuhe at or call (304) 725-5558 if you’re interested or have any questions.


Be a Reader and fulfill the liturgical ministry of proclaiming Scripture, the inspired word of God. Readers proclaim the Word at weekday and Sunday Mass and other liturgies throughout the year.

To participate in this ministry, we will provide you training is provided, then you will commit to one Mass approximately every month. Personal time is required in study and reflection on the Word in order to properly prepare for the Mass.

Contact Gary Penkala at or call (304) 725-5558.


The Assistant Sacristans assist the Priest and Deacon in preparing for the Mass. The Assistants will maintain and prepare the vessels, vestments, and liturgical items for Mass. They will also ensure adequate coverage for other ministries (ushers, readers, etc.) and assist the Priest in preparing for the Mass.

Initial training will be provided, then you will be assigned to a particular Mass.

If you are interested in participating as an Assistant contact John Sherwood at or call (304) 728-0180.

Ushers & Greeters

Welcome parishioners and guests at Mass, assist in offertory and provide additional assistance as needed by being an usher or a greeter.

Ushers and greeters provide a warm welcome and help your fellow parishioners find a seat, help families carry gifts for offertory procession, pass baskets at collection time, ensure orderly flow at communion time, and provide assistance in emergencies.

Participants will have initial training, then do one Mass approximately every month.

Contact John Sherwood at or call (304) 728-0180.

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